Supaya bisa menguasai materi pelajaran bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP Kurikulum Merdeka, para siswa baiknya berlatih dengan cara mengisi soal secara berkala. Nah, kali ini Berita Indonesia telah menghadirkan contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas 7 yang mungkin bisa kamu jadikan acuan.
Perlu diketahui, bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu mata pelajaran wajib yang ada di beberapa lembaga pendidikan, mulai dari Sekolah Dasar (SD) hingga Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA).
Bahasa Inggris sendiri menjadi alat komunikasi yang digunakan oleh masyarakat dunia untuk bersosialisasi.
Maka dari itu, pemerintah memasukkan mata pelajaran ini sebagai mata pelajaran yang wajib dipelajari di setiap jenjang sekolah.
Khusus untuk siswa kelas 7 SMP yang diajarkan dalam Kurikulum Merdeka, materi yang dipelajari umumnya berfokus tentang diri (about me) dan hal-hal di sekitar, seperti yang dijelaskan pada buku Panduan Guru English for Nusantara untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VII oleh Ika Lestari Damayanti.
Soal-soal yang dipakai oleh para guru pun masih seputar materi-materi di atas sehingga materinya bisa dengan mudah dipelajari dalam buku pelajaran.
Namun, buat kamu yang tidak memiliki buku pelajaran atau masih ingin belajar lebih banyak tentang soal bahasa Inggris kelas 7, baca saja artikel ini sampai habis.
Pasalnya, Berita Indonesia telah mengumpulkan contoh soalnya yang bisa kamu lihat pada uraian berikut.
Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Jawabannya
Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 dan Jawabannya
1. Nana: Rama, I’ve been waiting for half an hour. Why are you late?
Rama: … I have a flat tire.
A. Thanks
B. No problem
C. I’m sorry
D. Get well soon
E. Sure
Jawaban: C. I’m sorry
2. I have friend. His name is Aliando Syarif.
He was born in 2005.
He comes from Pringsewu.
He likes fried chicken.
Which statement is TRUE according to the text above..
A. Aliando is seventy years old
B. Aliando is seventeen years old
C. Aliando is an Artist
D. Aliando is handsome boy
E. Aliando is her friend
Jawaban: B. Aliando is seventeen years old
3. Chandra is a philatelist. She is very fond of collecting…
A. Envelopes
B. Letters
C. Stamps
D. Coins
E. Paper
Jawaban: C. Stamps
4. Luke has a dog. James takes … for a walk everyday.
A. It
B. Him
C. Them
D. Its
E. That
Jawaban: A. It
5. My dad bought some oranges, … were very sour.
The appropriate pronoun is …
A. It
B. They
C. We
D. He
E. That’s
Jawaban: B. They
6. The hunter shot the tiger with a …
A. Knife
B. Scissors
C. Sword
D. Gun
E. Pan
Jawaban: D. Gun
Teks untuk soal nomor 7-11
Mrs. Dewi: That’s the bell. Time is up.
Students: All right, Ma’am.
Mrs. Dewi: We will discuss the next chapter next Friday. Please study the material at home.
Students: Sure, Ma’am.
Mrs. Dewi: See you. Bye.
Students: See you, Ma’am. Bye.
7. Who is Mrs. Dewi?
A. She is a student
B. She is a principle
C. She is a librarian
D. She is a teacher
Jawaban: D. She is a teacher
8. Where does the dialog take place?
A. at the schoolfield
B. in the office
C. In the library
D. In the classroom
Jawaban: D. In the classroom
9. When will the next lesson be?
A. Next Wednesday
B. Next Thursday
C. Next Friday
D. Next Saturday
Jawaban: C. Next Friday
10. Mrs. Dewi says, “See you, Bye”. What does she express?
A. Apologizing
B. Thanking
C. Greeting
D. Leave taking
Jawaban: D. Leave taking
11. Mrs. Dewi says, “Please ‘study’ the material at home”. What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Learn
B. Look
C. Inform
D. Prepare
Jawaban: A. Learn
Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7
12. Manda: How are you, Salma?
Salma: I’m good Manda. How about you?
Manda: …..
Salma: Get well soon.
Manda: Thanks a lot.
A. I have a mother finger
B. I have a plant
C. I have a headache
D. I have a husband
E. I have a esophagus
Jawaban: C. I have a headache
13. Two days before Sunday is…
A. Tuesday
B. Wednesday
C. Thursday
D. Friday
E. Saturday
Jawaban: D. Friday
14. Arrange the following sentences into a good dialogue.
1. Hello, Sinta!
2. Hello, Mr. Hartawan. Nice to meet you
3. His name’s Hartawan
4. Nice to meet you, Atiqah.
5. Hi, Atiqah
6. Atiqah, this is my father.
A. 5–1–4–3–2–6
B. 5–1–3–6–2–4
C. 5–1–6–3–2–4
D. 5–1–2–3–6-4
E. 5-1-6-4-3-2
Jawaban: C. 5-1-6-3-2-4
15. Anna: Hi, I’m Anna. …..
Mark: My name is Mark.
A. What about you?
B. It’s nice to see you
C. What’s your favorite food?
D. See you later
E. What’s your name?
Jawaban: E. What’s your name?
16. When we meet somebody at 5 p.m. we greet him…
A. Good morning
B. Good afternoon
C. Good evening
D. Good night
E. Good dawn
Jawaban: B. Good afternoon
17. Mother : Have a nice dream, my dear.
Son : ….
A. Take care, mom
B. I’m happy
C. Have a nice dream, mom
D. See you, mom
E. Have a good day, mom
Jawaban: C. Have a nice dream, mom
18. Bona : How old are you?
Dina : …………………………
A. I am fine
B. My brother
C. I am twelve
D. I’m in the seventh grade
Jawaban: A. I am fine
Teks untuk soal nomor 11 dan 12
Hello, I am Yogi from Kendari. I will stay for two months in Bali. I like sport, but my favourite is badminton. I join a badminton club in Kendari. I like travelling too. I want to learn Bali traditional dance. I hope you can teach me.
19. What are Yogi’s hobbies?
A. Playing badminton and traveling
B. Playing badminton only
C. Collecting book
D. Drawing manga
Jawaban: A. Playing badminton and traveling
20. The statement which is true based on the text?
A. Yogi doesn’t join a badminton club in Kendari.
B. Yogi joins a badminton club in Bali.
C. Yogi will stay in Bali for years.
D. Yogi wants to learn Balinese dance.
Jawaban: D. Yogi wants to learn Balinese dance.
Semoga bisa berguna untukmu, ya.
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