Berita Ragam

7 Lagu Ayah yang Enak untuk Dinyanyikan Anak. Punya Makna Mendalam!

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Ingin mengungkapkan perasaanmu kepada ayah tapi bingung bagaimana caranya? Nyanyikan saja lagu ayah yang akan dibahas di artikel ini!

Ayah adalah sosok yang menjadi cinta pertama bagi anak perempuannya dan pahlawan bagi anak laki-lakinya.

Terkadang, kita sebagai anak cukup kesulitan menyampaikan rasa sayang kita kepadanya.

Namun, kamu bisa saja menyampaikan perasaan itu ketika Hari Ayah tiba, yakni 12 November di Indonesia dan pekan ke 3 hari Minggu di bulan Juni untuk beberapa negara, seperti Amerika Serikat hingga Belanda.

Bingung dengan cara apa menyampaikannya?

Tak hanya dengan ucapan selamat hari ayah, kamu juga bisa menyanyikan lagu bertema ayah yang akan dibahas pada artikel ini.

Dilengkapi dengan liriknya, simak yuk ulasan lagu ayah di bawah ini!

Daftar Lagu Ayah Terbaik Beserta Liriknya

1. Dance With My Father – Luther Vandross

Back when I was a childBefore life removed all the innocenceMy father would lift me highAnd dance with my mother and me and thenSpin me around till I fell asleepThen up the stairs he would carry meAnd I knew for sure I was loved
If I could get another chanceAnother walk, another dance with himI’d play a song that would never ever endHow I’d love, love, love to dance with my father again, ooh
When I and my mother would disagreeTo get my way I would run from her to himHe’d make me laugh just to comfort me, yeah, yeahThen finally make me do just what my momma saidLater that night when I was asleepHe left a dollar under my sheetNever dreamed that he would be gone from me
If I could steal one final glance, one final stepOne final dance with himI’d play a song that would never ever end‘Cause I’d love, love, love to dance with my father again
Sometimes I’d listen outside her doorAnd I’d hear how my mother cried for himI pray for her even more than meI pray for her even more than me
I know I’m praying for much too muchBut could you send back the only man she loved?I know you don’t do it usuallyBut dear Lord she’s dying to dance with my father againEvery night I fall asleep and this is all I ever dream

2. Ayah – Seventeen

Engkaulah nafasku
Yang menjaga di dalam hidupku
Kau ajarkan aku menjadi yang terbaik

Kau tak pernah lelah
Sebagai penopang dalam hidupku
Kau berikan aku semua yang terindah

Aku hanya memanggilmu ayah
Di saat ku kehilangan arah
Aku hanya mengingatmu ayah
Jika aku t’lah jauh darimu

Kau tak pernah lelah
Sebagai penopang dalam hidupku
Kau berikan aku semua yang terindah

Aku hanya memanggilmu ayah
Di saat ku kehilangan arah
Aku hanya mengingatmu ayah
Jika aku t’lah jauh darimu


3. Titip Rindu Buat Ayah – Ebiet G. Ade

Di matamu masih tersimpan selaksa peristiwa
Benturan dan hempasan terpahat di keningmu
Kau nampak tua dan lelah, keringat mengucur deras
Namun kau tetap tabah hm…
Meski nafasmu kadang tersengal
Memikul beban yang makin sarat
Kau tetap bertahan

Engkau telah mengerti hitam dan merah jalan ini
Keriput tulang pipimu gambaran perjuangan
Bahumu yang dulu kekar, legam terbakar matahari
Kini kurus dan terbungkuk hm…
Namun semangat tak pernah pudar
Meski langkahmu kadang gemetar
Kau tetap setia

Ayah, dalam hening sepi kurindu
Untuk menuai padi milik kita
Tapi kerinduan tinggal hanya kerinduan
Anakmu sekarang banyak menanggung beban

Engkau telah mengerti hitam dan merah jalan ini
Keriput tulang pipimu gambaran perjuangan
Bahumu yang dulu kekar, legam terbakar matahari
Kini kurus dan terbungkuk hm…
Namun semangat tak pernah pudar
Meski langkahmu kadang gemetar
Kau tetap setia

4. Ayah – Rinto Harahap

Dimana, akan ku cari
Aku menangis seorang diri
Hatiku slalu ingin bertemu
Untukmu aku bernyayi

Untuk ayah tercinta
Aku ingin bernyanyi
Walau air mata
Di pipiku
Ayah dengarkanlah
Aku ingin berjumpa
Walau hanya dalam

Lihatlah, hari berganti
Namun tiada seindah dulu
Datanglah, aku ingin bertemu
Untukmu, aku bernyanyi

Untuk ayah tercinta
Aku ingin bernyanyi
Walau air mata
Di pipiku
Ayah dengarkanlah
Aku ingin berjumpa
Walau hanya dalam

5. Ayah – Koesploes

AyahBetapa kuagungkanBetapa kuharapkan
AyahBetapa kau berpesanBetapa kau doakan
AyahBetapa pengalamanDahulu dan sekarang
AyahRambutmu t’lah memutihCermin suka dan sedih
AyahCeriterakan kembaliRiwayat yang indah waktu dahulu
AyahKu takkan bosan mendengarRiwayat waktu kau muda perkasa, oo
AyahKau dapat merindukanKau dapat mengenangkan
AyahWaktu terus berlaluSampai ke anak cucu
AyahKu takkan bosan mendengarRiwayat waktu kau muda perkasa, oo
AyahKau dapat merindukanKau dapat mengenangkan
AyahWaktu terus berlaluSampai ke anak cucu

6. Father – Demi Lovato

Father, I’m gonna say thank you
Even if I’m still hurt
Oh, I’m gonna say bless you
I wanna mean those words

Always wished you the best
I, I prayed for your peace
Even if you started this
This whole war in me

You did your best or did you?
Sometimes I think I hate you
I’m sorry, dad, for feeling this
I can’t believe I’m saying it

I know you were a troubled man
I know you never got the chance
To be yourself, to be your best
I hope that heaven’s given you
A second chance

Father, I’m gonna say thank you
Even if I don’t understand
Oh, you left us alone
I guess that made me who I am

Always wished you the best
I, I, I pray for your peace
Even if you started this
This whole war in me

You did your best or did you?
Sometimes I think I hate you
I’m sorry, dad, for feeling this
I can’t believe I’m saying it

I know you were a troubled man
I know you never got the chance
To be yourself, to be your best
I hope that heaven’s given you

You did your best or did you?
Sometimes I think I hate you
I’m sorry, dad, for feeling this
I can’t believe I’m saying it

I know you were a troubled man
I know you never got the chance
To be yourself, to be your best
I hope that heaven’s given you
A second chance

7. Daddy – Beyonce

I remember
When you used to take me on a bike ride every day on the Bayou (you remember that?)
(We were inseparable)
And I remember when you could do no wrong
You’d come home from work
And I jumped in your arms when I saw you (I was so excited)
I was so happy (so happy to see you, so happy to see you)
To see you

Because you loved me I overcome, yeah
And I’m so proud of what you’ve become, yeah
You’ve given me such security
No matter what mistakes I make you’re there for me
You cure my disappointments and you heal my pain
You understood my biz and you protected me
I treasure every irreplaceable memory and that’s why

I want
My unborn son
To be like my daddy
I want my husband to be like my daddy
There is no one else like my daddy
And I thank you (thank you)
For lovin’ me (daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy)
(Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy) me (lovin’ me)
(Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy) (lovin’ me)
(Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy)

I still remember the expression on your face
When you found out I’d been on a date and had a boyfriend, oh
(My first boyfriend, you should’ve seen your face)
I still remember I called you cryin’ ’cause of my tattoo
Could have said, “Beyoncé, I told ya so”
Instead you said you’d get one too, hey
(You and my momma said y’all’d get one just like mine)
Words can’t express my boundless gratitude for you
I appreciate what you do, oh whoa

You’ve given me such security
No matter what mistakes I know you’re there for me
You cure my disappointments and you’ll heal my pain
You understood by biz and you protected me
I treasure every extraordinary memory, that’s why

My unborn son
To be like my daddy
I want my husband to be like my daddy
There is no one else like my daddy
And I thank you (thank you) for loving me

Even if my man broke my heart today
No matter how much pain I’m in I would be okay, oh
‘Cause I got a man in my life that can’t be replaced
Father’s love is unconditional, it won’t go away
And I know I’m lucky (lucky)
Know it ain’t easy (it ain’t easy)
Men who take care of their responsibilities
Love is overwhelming
All that you did pay for me, ah
Can’t stop my tears from falling
I love you so much, daddy

Thank you (my unborn son to be like my daddy)
You’ve done so much for me (want my husband to be like my daddy)
I love you, daddy

I get so emotional, daddy (there is no one else like my daddy)
Every time I think of you
I get so emotional, daddy (and I thank you)
Every time I think of you
There is no one else like my daddy
No one else will replace my daddy (there is no one else like my daddy)
Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy


Itulah deretan lagu ayah yang bisa kamu coba.

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Shafira Chairunnisa

Lulusan Hubungan Internasional di Universitas Katolik Parahyangan dan pernah bekerja sebagai jurnalis di media nasional. Sekarang fokus menulis tentang properti, gaya hidup, desain, dan politik luar negeri. Senang bermain game di waktu senggang.
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