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5 Contoh Surat Formal dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap yang Baik dan Benar

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Inilah contoh surat formal dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk berbagai keperluan. Simak informasi lengkapnya!

Untuk menyampaikan informasi mengenai suatu hal, biasanya perseorangan atau perusahaan membuat surat formal yang bisa digunakan untuk berbagai kepentingan.

Bukan hanya dalam bahasa Indonesia, surat ini juga bisa dibuat dalam bahasa Inggris apabila memang kepentingannya mendesak.

Namun untuk membuatnya memang sedikit lebih sulit dibandingkan dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia.

Perlu pemilihan kata yang tepat agar pesannya tersampaikan.

Yuk, langsung saja kita simak contoh surat formal dalam bahasa Inggris lengkap yang baik dan benar.

5 Contoh Surat Formal dalam Bahasa inggris Berbagai Kepentingan

contoh surat formal dalam bahasa inggris

Sumber: Shutterstock

1. Contoh Surat Formal dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Undangan Acara

Inilah contoh surat formal dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk keperluan undangan suatu acara:


Carlos Berreti

15A Tiram Street


December 01st, 2022

Mr. Muhammad Iqbal Farhan

Gasella Street, Kotagajah


Dear, Mr. Muhammad Iqbal Farhan

I am the chairman of the Lampung Student Sports Week which is being held this year at Metro, December 4th – 8th, 2022. I would like to invite you as one of the guests of honor. We want you to accompany the Governor when opening the event.

The Lampung Pencak Silat Association will cover your accommodation costs while visiting this event. We also provide a special budget during your stay..

Please let us know your answer through email immediately so that we can start making the arrangement. Contact me if you have any concerns or questions about anything.

Kind regards,

Carlos Berreti

2. Contoh Surat Formal dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Pengunduran Diri

Inilah contoh surat formal dalam bahasa Inggris untuk keperluan resign atau pengunduran diri.


Metro, December 1st, 2022

Founder and CEO

Retro Photography

Jl. Timun III, Metro


Dear Mrs. Eva Lisa

I am writing in order to you of my resignation from the photographer position at Buah Hati Photography.

My resignation will be effective January 1st, 2023, a month from the date I write this letter. The associations I have made during my employment in this studio will be absolutely memorable for years.

I hope my one month notice will be sufficient for you to find my replacement. Please let me know what I can do to help train my replacement.

I will be here to help the transition as smooth as possible for the team and for you. I am grateful for the opportunity to work in this photo studio.




3. Contoh Surat Formal dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Lamaran Kerja

Inilah contoh surat formal dalam bahasa Inggris untuk keperluan lamaran kerja.


Jakarta , May 19th, 2022

Subject: Job Application



HRD Manager PT ABC

Orange Street No. 123F Jakarta


Yours faithfully,

Based on the job vacancy information for a marketing position that I got on Instagram Juni Records on November 2 2022, I hereby apply for a job as a Marketing Staff at PT Juni Suara Kreasi.

My personal data is as follows:

Name : Rendy Panigoro

Gender : Male

Place/date of birth : Madura , 21 April 1993

Address : Pluto Street

Education : S1 Management, University of Indonesia

Telephone : 081222332345

I have experience in the position of Marketing Staff for 4 years, have fluent English skills, and can work independently or in a team.

As a material consideration, I enclose the complete personal data as follows:

  • CV
  • Photo size 3×4
  • Photocopy of KTP
  • Resume
  • Photocopy of the last diploma
  • Photocopy of SKCK
  • Copy of work experience letter
  • Certificate

It is my hope that I will be called for an interview so that I can explain in more detail about the potential and abilities possessed.

Thus I made this job application letter as honestly and honestly as possible. For the attention of Mr. / Mrs. leadership, I thank you.


Yours faithfully,

Rendy Panigoro

4. Contoh Surat Formal dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Klaim Garansi

Berikut ini adalah contoh surat formal dalam bahasa Inggris untuk keperluan klaim garansi barang.


Ariel Gibran

Jalan Buah No. 3


December 10st, 2022


Metro ABDC

Pluto Street No. 16



Dear Sales Supervisor,

On November 19, I ordered a new smartphone unit and the product I requested was sent on November 21. I found some damage to the product. During five days of use, the product worked normally.

But on November 27th, my smartphone suddenly turned off. I made sure to comply with all the provisions in the manual and had time to charge it. But, I can’t find a way out.

I want this product to be repaired free of charge or I can be replaced with a new product.

I attach a copy of proof of purchase and warranty card to support the claim. Please respond to this complaint letter within 10 days.


Yours faithfully,

Arief Gibran

5. Contoh Surat Resmi dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat

Berikut ini adalah contoh surat resmi dalam bahasa Inggris singkat.


December 11st, 2022

Pradika High School

Ganjar Agung, West Metro



For related parties:

I declare that I will be responsible for the costs while my son Bima Satria is studying at Metro. I will pay for all costs including Bima’s education, personal needs, and his school fees. I will also be responsible for Bima’s travel expenses when going and returning.


Yours faithfully,

Rizal Apriyanto


Itulah tadi contoh surat resmi dalam bahasa Inggris lengkap untuk berbagai kepentingan.

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