Apakah kamu sudah tahu apa yang dimaksud dengan analytical exposition text dalam bahasa Inggris? Kalau belum, simak penjelasan dan contoh analytical exposition text di sini, yuk!
Dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris, ada berbagai jenis teks yang penting dipelajari.
Beberapa jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris di antaranya adalah recount text, narrative text, report text, dan analytical exposition text.
Setiap jenis teks tersebut memiliki ciri-ciri dan fungsinya sendiri.
Melalui artikel ini, kita akan membahas mengenai apa yang dimaksud dengan analytical exposition text.
Berikut ini penjelasan dan contoh analytical exposition text yang perlu kamu pelajari!
Apa Itu Analytical Exposition Text?
Analytical Exposition text dalam bahasa Inggris adalah “a text which develops the writer’s idea of the phenomenon surrounding. It has a social function of persuading the reader that the idea is important”.
Berdasarkan definisi tersebut, analytical exposition text bisa diartikan sebagai tulisan yang menyuarakan opini penulis terhadap hal-hal yang ada atau terjadi di sekitarnya, contohnya sebuah kejadian, tempat, atau bahkan benda.
Analytical exposition text sendiri berfungsi sebagai media untuk meyakinkan para pembaca bahwa topik yang disampaikan merupakan hal penting yang bisa dibahas bersama-sama atau diperdebatkan.
Oleh karena itu, tak heran jika di dalam jenis teks ini terdapat banyak pertanyaan yang ditujukan untuk membangun reaksi pembaca, seperti “do you agree with this?” atau “what do you think?”.
Meski demikian, teks ini bukan bertujuan untuk mengubah sudut pandang pembaca karena narasinya murni sebatas opini dari penulisnya.
Struktur Analytical Exposition
Analytical exposition text memiliki struktur sebagai berikut:
- Thesis: Bagian yang berisi pengenalan ide pokok
- Arguments: Bagian yang memuat pendapat yang mendukung ide
- Reiteration: Bagian yang berisi penulisan kembali ide pokok
Ciri-Ciri Analytical Exposition Text
Analytical exposition text memiliki ciri-ciri kebahasaan yang dapat digunakan untuk membedakan dengan teks jenis lainnya, yakni sebagai berikut:
- Menggunakan simple present tense
- Menggunakan relational process
- Menggunakan causal conjunction
- Menggunakan internal conjunction
Contoh Analytical Exposition Text
1. Contoh Analytical Exposition Text 1
Smoking is a dangerous habit that has numerous negative impacts on health, finances, and the environment.
It is the leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide and contributes significantly to environmental pollution.
Additionally, smoking is an expensive habit and can negatively impact those around the smoker through secondhand smoke.
Therefore, it is essential to avoid smoking and promote a healthier lifestyle.
2. Contoh Analytical Exposition Text 2
The absence of a father can seriously affect a daughter’s life. Fathers are important role models for young girls. His absence could leave a void that could have significant negative consequences.
Daughters who grow up without a father often struggle with issues such as self-esteem, trust, and abandonment. She may also have trouble forming healthy relationships with men and be more likely to engage in risky behaviors such as premature sex and substance abuse.
Moreover, they may have difficulty developing a positive sense of identity and struggle with feelings of inadequacy and insecurity.
Thus, it is important to provide a stable and supportive father figure to girls in order to ensure their emotional and psychological health.
3. Contoh Analytical Exposition Text 3
Drug abuse has a significant impact on individuals, families and society as a whole. Drug use can lead to a variety of physical, psychological and social problems.
Physically, drugs can damage the body and lead to chronic diseases such as heart disease, liver damage, and cancer.
From a psychological perspective, drug abuse can lead to psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, and psychosis. Socially, drug abuse can lead to problems such as unemployment, homelessness, and crime.
Drug abuse also affects families and communities, causing emotional distress and strained relationships.
Furthermore, drug abuse can impose economic burdens on individuals and societies, including health care costs and lost productivity.
Hence, it is important to promote a drug-free lifestyle and provide addicts with support and resources to minimize the negative effects of drug abuse.
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