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5 Contoh Essay Bahasa Inggris Singkat Beragam Topik Terbaik. Simak sebelum Membuatnya!

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Berikut adalah berbagai contoh essay bahasa Inggris dari berbagai topik terbaik yang bisa kamu jadikan sebagai referensi dalam membuatnya!

Berdasarkan buku yang ditulis oleh Susari Nugraheni berjudul Mastering Academic Writing, pengertian esai adalah karya yang menyajikan suatu opini atau pengalaman. 

Biasanya, esai disusun dalam uraian logis agar dapat dipahami oleh semua pembaca. 

Di dalam esai, disajikan data dan fakta yang akurat sehingga dapat meyakinkan pembaca. 

Esai sendiri merupakan suatu tulisan yang kerap menjadi sebuah syarat ketika kamu ingin melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi. 

Jenis karya ilmiah ini kerap disamakan dengan makalah. Meski begitu keduanya memiliki perbedaan. 

Pada makalah pembahasannya didasarkan pada topik tertentu sesuai dengan kajian pustaka.

Sedangkan esai pembahasaannya mengombinasikan antara fakta dan opini.

Pada prakteknya, esai bukan hanya dapat ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia saja, melainkan juga bahasa Inggris. 

Meskipun memiliki perbedaan dalam bahasa, struktur yang digunakan tetap sama. 

Agar lebih jelas, simak berbagai contoh essay bahasa Inggris di bawah ini, yuk!

Contoh Essay Bahasa Inggris Singkat

1. Contoh Essay Bahasa Inggris tentang Pendidikan

Building an Attitude of Nationalism at School by Singing the Indonesian National Anthem

The rapid development of the times has brought progress in various fields, both technology and information

The current era of globalization makes the world feel smaller, where foreign cultures easily influence each other

This cultural exchange can have both positive and negative impacts, especially on the younger generation

Today’s young generation, on the one hand, can experience positive impacts in the form of advanced thinking, self-confidence, and respect for values

However, on the other hand, there is a possibility of fading nationalism in the nation and state.

To overcome this, there needs to be an effort to build an attitude of nationalism among students or youth

One of the ways that can be done in the school environment is by singing the Indonesia Raya song

This song is not only a symbol of national identity, but also has a deep meaning for Indonesian nationality.

Why is singing the Indonesia Raya song so important

Because Minister of Education and Culture Muhadjir Effendy has emphasized in his letter that the Indonesia Raya song must be sung before teaching and learning activities at school.

This is done in order to increase the spirit of nationalism and strengthen national unity.

Through singing the Indonesia Raya song, students can instill a sense of love for the country and national values

They also become more proud to be part of the Indonesian nation.

2. Contoh Essay Bahasa Inggris 5 Paragraf

Drugs and the Young Generation

Is there anyone who doesn’t know about drugs? Drugs are a hot topic that always discussed by various groups. Narcotics, psychotropic substances, and illegal drugs are other names for drugs. Drugs can be consumed by injected, smoked, and drunk. The content of addictive substances in drugs causes an addictive effect for consumption.

The opiate effect will reacts with the body and is difficult to escape even if the person only tries it once. Nowadays, drugs can be obtained easily because they have spread all over the world. Generally, someone who wants to get out of a problem will choose the fast and instant way with drugs

Drug abuse can cause a person to depression, severe mental disorders, suicidal thoughts, excessive hallucinations, and a tendency to commit suicide. However, this is not a barrier for users to consume it. Especially teenagers, who consider drugs as their life savior

It is sad to know this fact, that teenagers who are considered as the hope of the nation’s successors, actually ruin the future and hope of the nation with forbidden objects.

Therefore, for the young generation, strengthen your soul and heart. Fill your days with positive and useful things. Achieve sky-high goals. Uphold the good name of the nation. Show that we can!

3. Contoh Esai dalam Bahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan

3 Ways to Maintain Your Air Conditioner for Optimal Health

Maintaining your home air conditioner is crucial for preventing the spread of disease. A neglected Air Conditioner unit can harbor harmful bacteria and viruses, leading to respiratory issues for occupants. Here are three essential practices to ensure your AC functions optimally and promotes a healthy environment:

1. Turn Off the AC When Not in Use

If you’re traveling or in an unoccupied room, turn off the air conditioner. If the weather permits, consider shutting it down for an hour or two daily to conserve energy. Utilize reminder features on the AC unit itself or set personal reminders for efficient operation. When the AC is off, open windows and doors for proper air circulation.

2. Clean the AC Regularly

Inspect and clean the air conditioner’s filter components at least once a month. A clogged filter restricts airflow and becomes a breeding ground for germs, bacteria, and mold. These contaminants can then be circulated throughout the room via the evaporator coil. Regularly cleaning the AC components prevents performance decline and ensures it produces cool air efficiently.

3. Use AC Selectively

Minimize potential health risks by using the air conditioner judiciously. In a room with a sick family member, the AC can facilitate the spread of airborne viruses and bacteria. Consider limiting AC usage when someone is ill, such as with the flu. This advice also applies when someone smokes indoors or when the room and furniture require thorough cleaning.

By following these simple practices, you can maintain a healthy environment and ensure your air conditioner functions optimally for years to come.

4. Contoh Argumentative Essay Bahasa Inggris

contoh essay bahasa inggris tentang makanan singkat

5. Contoh Essay Bahasa Inggris tentang Diri Sendiri yang Benar

contoh essay bahasa inggris tentang diri sendiri


Itu dia beberapa contoh essay bahasa Inggris berbagai topik yang baik dan benar.

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Nik Nik Fadlah

Lulusan Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Pasundan yang kini menjadi penulis di Rumah123 dan Berita 99. Memiliki pengalaman menulis di bidang kesehatan, gaya hidup, fashion, teknologi, pendidikan, hingga properti. Hobi membuat digital collage art.
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