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5 Contoh News Item Text Bahasa Inggris beserta Strukturnya. Ketahui Ciri-cirinya!

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Di dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris, ada banyak jenis teks yang perlu dipelajari.

Ada recount text, narrative text, descriptive text, report text, procedure text, sampai news item text.

Dalam kesempatan kali ini, kita akan mengupas tentang pengertian contoh news item text

Berikut ini penjelasan dan contoh news item text dalam bahasa Inggris!

Apa Itu News Item Text?

pengertian news item text

pengertian news item text

Menurut Andri Kurniawan dalam buku Reading, pengertian news item text adalah jenis teks yang memuat informasi faktual dan aktual mengenai sebuah peristiwa yang telah atau sedang terjadi untuk disampaikan kepada audiens secara akurat.

Jenis teks yang satu ini mengikuti struktur dan gaya tertentu yang biasa digunakan dalam jurnalisme untuk menyampaikan berita secara objektif dan faktual.

Secara umum, News item text ditemukan dalam surat kabar, situs web berita, atau disiarkan di televisi atau radio.

Ciri-Ciri News Item Text

Dikutip dari buku The King Eduka berjudul Bestie Book Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X, XI, & XII, berikut ini ciri-ciri news item text:

  1. Singkat, padat, dan jelas
  2. Informasi yang tercantum berkaitan dengan judul
  3. Menggunakan action verb (contoh: looked, changed, went, swam, dsb.)
  4. Menggunakan saying verb (contoh: report, say, said, told, dsb.)
  5. Banyak menggunakan adverb of time, adverb of place, dan adverb of manner

Struktur News Item Text

struktur news item text

struktur news item text

1. Newsworthy Event

Newsworthy event atau main event adalah bagian pertama dalam struktur news item text.

Bagian ini memuat tentang kejadian inti atau ringkasan kejadian.

2. Background Event

Background event atau latar belakang adalah bagian yang wajib memuat 5W+1H untuk memudahkan pembaca memahami konteks tulisan.

3. Source

Source dalam struktur news item text berisikan tentang sumber yang perlu dicantumkan, misalnya dari jurnal ilmiah, saksi mata, atau pendapat para ahli yang sudah diterbitkan.

Contoh News Item Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. Contoh News Item Text tentang Bencana Alam

Headline: 5.5 magnitude earthquake, large aftershock hit Northern California; minor damage reported

Date: May 12, 2023


Newsworthy Events

EAST SHORE, Calif. — Earthquakes have rattled a large area of Northern California this week, but only minor damage was immediately reported.

Background Events

A magnitude 5.5 quake centered in the Sierra Nevada’s Lake Almanor resort region struck at 4:19 p.m. Thursday and a magnitude 5.2 aftershock occurred at 3:18 a.m. Friday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

ABC10 reported local businesses were cleaning up minor damage in the area about 180 miles (290 kilometers) northeast of San Francisco.

“A lot of broken glass, a lot of broken dishes, a lot of broken liquor from upstairs,” Stephanie Hughes, a local restaurant manager, told the station after the Thursday afternoon quake.

“Everything was shaking. Customers were fleeing onto the lawn,” said Hughes.

People reported feeling the earthquake all the way to Sacramento, about 160 miles (260 kilometers) south.


The magnitude 5.5 quake was the largest in California since the magnitude 7.1 Ridgecrest sequence in 2019, according to former USGS seismologist Lucy Jones, who now runs a center focusing on making communities more resilient to disasters.


2. Contoh News Item Text tentang Kriminal

Headline: 14-year-old shot and killed on Philadelphia subway platform

Date: May 15, 2023


Newsworthy Events

A teenager was fatally shot on a train platform in West Philadelphia on Saturday afternoon, according to police.

Background Events

The Philadelphia Police Department said the shooting took place at a SEPTA station on the 5200 block of Market Street.

The 14-year-old boy was shot in the chest and the arm and was transported by medics to Presbyterian Hospital where he later died, police said.

No arrests have been made and a weapon has not been recovered, police said.

Sources told ABC News Philadelphia station WPVI that an adult man was identified as the suspect and is currently on the run.

According to WPVI sources, the suspect and the teenager had a physical altercation which started when the 14-year-old allegedly hit the suspect.

The suspect then allegedly took out a gun and fired, hitting the victim, and then fled the scene, according to WPVI.


“SEPTA Police are working closely with Philadelphia Police to find the suspect in this case. This is a horrific tragedy, and our thoughts are with the family that has experienced an unimaginable loss,” SEPTA said in a statement to ABC News.

The statement added, “SEPTA serves over 600,000 riders a day, and the vast majority get to-and-from their destinations without incident. However, even one violent crime is too many, and we are continuing to adjust police patrols and add officers to our ranks so we can address hot spots while providing police coverage across the system.”


3. News Item Text tentang Kecelakaan

Headline:2 killed in Webster wrong-way crash on Route 395

Date: December 3, 2023


Newsworthy Events

WEBSTER – Police say two people were killed in a wrong-way crash on Route 395 South on Saturday night.

Background Events

Police were called to the scene at 10:17 p.m., and patrols in the area responded within moments. Police said a wrong-way driver crashed into a car, killing the drivers in both cars. The driver in the first vehicle was a 31-year-old Auburn man. The driver of the second vehicle was a 35-year-old Dayville, Connecticut, woman.

The identities of the victims have not been released. Police did not say if there were passengers in the car.


Massachusetts State Police said the accident is still under investigation.


4. News Item Text tentang Sampah

Headline:3km of Trash Covers Jakarta Mangrove Forest

Date: July 13, 2023


Newsworthy Events

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Jakarta Regional Government deployed 200 combined personnel of North Jakarta and Thousand Islands Regional Environment Office to clean the trash in Muara Angke Mangroves Forest on Wednesday, July 12, 2023. The personnel cleaned around 50 cubic meters of trash manually with baskets or with amphibious excavators. Currently, the process is still ongoing.

Background Events

“It will take three days to clean all of it,” said M.Chusaeri, the Head of Implementing Officer at the North Jakarta Environment Office as quoted by Antara, on Thursday, July 13, 2023. Meaning, the cleaning activity is projected to be done tomorrow, Friday, July 14, 2023.

According to Chusaeri, the three-day estimation is necessitated by the length of the trash pile reaching 2km to 3km, stretched from Kaliadem to Ecomarine Tourism Mangrove Muara Angke. The trash pile came from 12 different river flows in Jakarta which disembogue in the sea. “It all came from the sea. The residents do not throw their trash in the sea since there are garbage disposal sites already,” said Chusaeri.


Chusaeri hoped that Jakartans could reduce their plastic usage since the trash pile was dominated by plastic waste at around 60% to 80%. After being lifted, the trash pile is carried to Bantar Gebang Landfill, Bekasi, West Java. “We have prepared six small tipper trucks, one big tipper truck, and two pickups. But we used three big tipper trucks today,” said Chusaeri.


5. News Item Text tentang Ekonomi

Headline: Bitcoin breaks $40,000 as momentum builds

Date: December 4, 2023


Newsworthy Events

EAST SHORE, Calif. — Earthquakes have rattled a large area of Northern California this SINGAPORE, Dec 4 (Reuters) – Bitcoin has broken above $40,000 for the first time this year as it rides a wave of momentum on broad enthusiasm about U.S. interest rate cuts and as traders anticipate the imminent approval of U.S.-stockmarket traded bitcoin funds.

Background Events

The world’s biggest cryptocurrency hit $41,522 on Monday, its highest since April 2022 and has seemed to cast off the funk that had settled over crypto markets since the collapse of FTX and other crypto-business failures in 2022.

A 50% rally since mid-October has “seemed to mark a decisive shift away from the bearishness of 2022 and early 2023,” said Justin d’Anethan – head of business development for Asia-Pacific at Keyrock, a digital assets market making firm.

He said evidence of institutional buying through November showed a new leg of interest and that although reversals ahead are not inconceivable, lows hit around $16,000 a year ago “probably marked the bottom”.

Bitcoin-investor Microstrategy (MSTR.O) last week disclosed it bought an additional $593 million in bitcoin during November.

Meanwhile, riskier investments and other interest-rate sensitive assets, such as gold, have also rallied hard over the last few weeks as markets wager that the U.S. Federal Reserve has finished hiking rates and will start cutting early in 2023.


Reports in October that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission won’t appeal a court ruling that found the agency had been wrong to reject an exchange-traded fund application have also driven bets that an eventual approval is nigh.

A spot bitcoin ETF could allow previously wary investors access to crypto via the stock market, ushering a new wave of capital into the sector.

Ether , the coin linked to the Ethereum blockchain network, also made a 1-1/2 year high on Monday, hitting $2,253.

Both bitcoin and ether remain well below their 2021 record highs that were above $60,000 and $4,000 respectively.



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  • Kurniawan, Andri, dkk. (2022). Reading. Padang: PT Global Eksekutif Teknologi
  • The King Eduka. (2022). Bestie Book Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X, XI, & XIIC-Media

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